Scott Webster Will Fight For Us!

Curb the Inflation Crisis

Iowa families and businesses are struggling to make ends meet under the increasing demand of inflation. We must focus on cutting taxes and controlling spending in the Iowa Senate. As inflation hits home values, Scott will work to reform property taxes and stop huge tax increases on Iowa families. Scott will work hard to give Iowans the tools to combat the disastrous policies coming out of Washington, DC.

Expand Economic Development

As a business owner, Scott has helped create jobs for our community that give hard-working individuals the chance to build their American Dream. He will use that expertise in the Iowa Senate to help other industries create more family supporting jobs. He will support tax relief, investments in broadband, and regulatory reform so our communities can grow.

Reforming Education

Prioritizing student outcomes is just common sense. Scott believes in empowering parents to have a stronger voice in their child's education. He will protect girl’s sports, and encourage teaching fundamental skills like math, english, and science, not the latest educational fads. Scott knows the point of education is to prepare Iowa students for the careers of tomorrow.

Job Creation

As a business owner, I have helped create jobs for our community that give hard-working individuals the chance to build their American Dream. I will use that expertise in the Iowa Senate to help other industries create more family-supporting jobs.


I fully support the historic tax cuts our legislature has passed in the last few years. They've dramatically improved the economic climate for families and small businesses alike. I will defend these tax cuts and look for more ways to save taxpayer dollars, especially when it comes to property taxes.